High-intensity outdoor sports can lead to severe blisters, pain, and degradation of the fat pads on the ball and heel of your foot without proper protection. But don't let that stop you from completing your favourite outdoor activity.
Thorlo Outdoor Athlete socks are specifically designed to protect your feet and are engineered to reduce the chance of an injury.
This unique design is suitable in most weather conditions for intense outdoor sports on all terrain, such as obstacle courses, mountain running, mud runs, endurance races, boot camp, and biking.
Unique Features:
Moisture Wicking - Proprietary THORWICK® yarn creates softness, resilience, and durability all while keeping your feet dry.
Flow-Thru Venting - A ventilation panel creates better air circulation (allowing a good flow of air) within your shoes further aiding moisture management and keeping your feet cool.
Low Profile Toe Seam - Reduces friction and irritation with unique padding to help prevent pressure and provide comfort.
Dirt Shield - Enhanced elastic seal to help keep dirt and debris out, staying clean and comfortable for longer.
Impact Protection - Thick cushioning in the ball and heel protects your foot from impact and shearing forces for maximum comfort.
Strategic Support - Fitted with compression ankle and arch support protects your plantar fascia, fights fatigue, and prevents bunching and twisting.